Yellow-Headed Blackbird


Hello people of the world. Today I am writing about the yellow-headed black bird. I don't really have a lot to say about this bird but you can check out my pintrest page for more things about birds and other things.


It stretches across from the middle of BC and Alberta all the way down the west side of the US and down into Mexico.


These birds live in fresh marshes, open country, marshy lakes. They also live in open pastures, plowed fields, and cattle pens.


Mostly insects and seeds. Feeds a lot on insects in the summertime, especially beetles, wasps, grasshoppers, caterpillars, some types of spiders, snails, slugs, and worms. Like that is a LOT of bugs. young chicks are also fed lots of insects.


Almost all nesting colonies are in marshes, a male yellow-headed blackbird will select their territory and defend it. They female always builds the nest. It is made up of a lot of aquatic plants, lined with fine grass.

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