Eastern medowlark


Today I am going to write about the Eastern meadowlark. Today is a special EDITION!!!:) with EXTRA facts. You can also check out my pintrest account.


This bird ranges from southeastern Canada throughout eastern United States, west to Nebraska, Texas, and Arizona.


Open fields, pastures, and meadows. They breed in natural grasslands, meadows, weedy pastures, also in hayfeilds and sometimes fields of other crops.


Mostly seeds and insects. But mostly insects, especially in the summer, when it eats lots of grasshoppers, crickets, beetles, caterpillars, ants, and others. they eat seeds and grain in the winter and fall.


Male defends nesting territory by singing. the male faces there mate and puff out there chests and point there bills up and show off the v on the tail. the female builds the nest which is a domed structure with an entrance on the side.

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